Image of a seaboard goby, Gobiosoma ginsburgi, against a plain white background.
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Seaboard Goby

Image by ‘sercfisheries’ on iNaturalist, CC BY-NC 4.0 Physical: The seaboard goby is a member of the[…]

Picture of a pumpkinseed sunfish
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Image by Bernard DUPONT on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 Physical: The pumpkinseed is a sunfish with an[…]

Picture of a yellow perch in a fishtank
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Yellow Perch

Image by Robert Colletta from U.S Department of Agriculture Physical: The yellow perch has two dorsal fins,[…]

Picture of a cunner
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Image by ‘derekkeats’ on Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0 Physical: The cunner is a type of wrasse with a[…]

Picture of a channel catfish in an aquarium
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Channel Catfish

Physical: The channel catfish is a catfish ranging from dark brown to slate gray in color. The[…]

A photo of a fourspine stickleback fish, carrying eggs
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Fourspine Stickleback

Image by Graham Hegeman on Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0 Physical: The fourspine stickleback is a 2.5 inch[…]

Picture of a bluegill fish
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Physical: The bluegill is a type of sunfish with olive green color, vertical stripes, and a yellow[…]

Winter Flounder

Image by ‘St’ on, CC BY 3.0 Physical: Winter Flounder can grow to approximately 2 feet. The[…]

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