
Branta bernicla

Image of a Brant, Melanitta perspicillata, standing in the mud.
Image by ‘ALAN SCHMIERER’ on Flickr, public domain

Physical: The Brant, also known as Brent Goose, is a medium-sized goose showcasing a primarily dark, sooty blackish-brown plumage. The species stands out due to its distinct, short white necklace on the neck and a small white patch on the flanks. Its bill and legs are black. The overall length ranges from 22 to 26 inches, and it has a wingspan of about 42 to 48 inches.

Habitat: Brants prefer coastal environments, especially tidal estuaries, marshes, and mudflats. During the breeding season, they migrate to the Arctic tundra, where they utilize wetlands for nesting.

Feeding: In coastal regions, their diet mainly comprises eelgrass and other marine vegetation. When inland, especially during breeding, they feed on a mix of grasses, sedges, and aquatic plants.

Breeding: In the high Arctic, Brants build their nests on the ground, usually in a concealed spot shielded by vegetation. The female typically lays 3-5 eggs and takes the primary role in incubation. After hatching, both parents guide and protect the young as they forage and prepare for their first migration.

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