Get Involved in Barnegat Bay Watershed Protection and Restoration!

Barnegat Bay Partnership (BBP or the Partnership): The BBP is one of 28 National Estuary Programs working to improve the health of nationally-significant estuaries. The Partnership is sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and Ocean County College. A great way to volunteer is to become a “Barnegat Bay Volunteer Master Naturalist.” If you like to paddle the bay, consider volunteering for our annual “Paddle for the Edge” event and help us collect data about the condition of the bay’s shorelines. If you are interested in learning more about Barnegat Bay ecology or helping out with a clean-up or dune-grass planting, the BBP has a “Volunteer/Interested Party” e-mail list-serve to keep you informed about upcoming workshops, lectures, and volunteer opportunities for either the BBP or one of its partners. If you would like your name added to this list-serve, please email Bailey Sanders at

Alliance for a Living Ocean (ALO): Based on Long Beach Island, ALO’s mssion is to promote and maintain clean water and a healthy coastal environment through education, research and active participation. Visit
American Littoral Society (ALS): Since 1961, the American Littoral Society has empowered people to care for the coast through advocating, learning, and conserving. Founded by divers and naturalists with a desire to learn more about the littoral zone, today ALS has more than 5,000 members in 49 states, including scientists, naturalists, environmentalists, divers, fishing enthusiasts, and citizens from all walks of life. Members live on the coast, near the coast, and even far from the coast. Headquartered on Sandy Hook in Highlands, New Jersey, they are a non-profit organization with chapters serving the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast regions.
Clean Ocean Action (COA): Working together as a coalition of dedicated groups and individuals, Clean Ocean Action is committed to advocating for a safe and clean ocean. Clean Ocean Action works to educate the public and convince public officials to enact and enforce legislation necessary to protect the coast through educational campaigns, special events, meetings, beach cleanups, and research.
Throughout the year, Clean Ocean Action offers several volunteer opportunities to help further its mission, including bi-annual “Beach Sweep” cleanups, public education and outreach campaigns at local beaches and beach clubs (summer C.O.A.S.T. campaign) and festivals (all year), office duties, education programs, and many other opportunities.
Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA): The PPA was established to protect and preserve the resources of the New Jersey Pine Barrens through public awareness and permanent acquisition of land and development rights, as well as proposing and influencing changes in legislation, regulations, policies, and plans that would strengthen the effectiveness of Pinelands preservation. There are a range of volunteer opportunities with PPA, from organizing a canoe trip to manning a booth at a nature festival.

ReClam the Bay: If you would like the opportunity to learn about Barnegat Bay ecology, become an environmental steward, and have a positive effect on bay waters by growing shellfish, join ReClam the Bay! This non-profit volunteer organization works with Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the Department of Environmental Protection to raise clams and oysters to “ReClaim” the bay. Volunteers are trained in shellfish aquaculture methods, water quality, monitoring growth, and collecting data. In addition, volunteers raise public awareness about water quality, growing shellfish, and the Barnegat Bay through educational programs and displays. For more information contact Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County (732-349-1152) or ReClam the Bay!