NJ Marine Recreational Minimum Size, Possession Limits & Seasons

For those of you who fish and crab recreationally in the Barnegat Bay, visit this New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Division of Fish and Wildlife webpage for the latest information about fishing regulations. Check with local bait and tackle shops, marinas, sporting good stores and marine supply stores for the Marine Recreational Minimum Size, Possession Limits & Seasons Summary Card, usually available in June. You can also download the 2020 card.

Blue Crabs
Blue crabs headed for the dinner table.

NJ Marine Licenses and Permits

This NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife site provides information on obtaining a variety of marine licenses and permits, including recreational clamming licenses. Visit this NJDEP website for a map showing which areas are safe and open for harvesting clams.

Tide Charts for Barnegat Bay

Tide charts for Barnegat Bay  It’s important to know the tides when heading out for a fun day of fishing on the bay.  

Striper Tracker Project              

Scientists from the Rutgers Marine Field Station are trying to gain a better understanding of the coastal migration of striped bass. Visit StriperTracker.org, to view past and present movements of striped bass in southern Barnegat Bay and Great Bay, learn about striped bass, adopt a fish and track it, access a field guide of the fishes of Great Bay and southern Barnegat Bay, and much more.

Beach Reports

The New Jersey Ocean Beach Information website is operated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and provides information on New Jersey’s ocean beach water quality and public access locations.

Fish Consumption Advisories

Some fish and crustaceans caught in certain areas of New Jersey are contaminated with chemicals such as Dioxin, PCBs and Mercury.  If you are interested in information about NJ fish consumption advisories, you can find easy-to-understand guidance provided on this NJDEP website, where you can download the latest “Fish Smart, Eat Smart Guide.”

Support Sustainable Fisheries!

Support NJ Seafood banner

Find seafood grown, harvested, or landed in New Jersey at a seafood market near you! Visit the NJDEP’s “Support New Jersey Seafood” website to access a map showing seafood market locations. The site also provides an application form for businesses that wish to be added to the map.

The Seafood Watch regional guides, produced by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, contain the latest information on sustainable seafood choices available in different regions of the U.S.  Their “Best Choices” are fish that are abundant, well-managed and fished or farmed in environmentally friendly ways. Seafoods to “Avoid” are over-fished and/or fished or farmed in ways that harm other marine life or the environment. You can download a pocket-size version at the Monterey Bay Aquarium website.