Red Beard Sponge

Image by David Remsen on Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0 Physical: M. prolifera are red or orange in coloration. […]

Image of a milky ribbon worm, Cerebratulus lacteus, against a black background.

Milky Ribbon Worm

Image by Eric A. Lazo-Wasem from the Yale Peabody Museum, public domain Physical: The Milky Ribbon Worm is[…]

Gold Star Tunicate

Image by Nick Hobgood from Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 Physical: Golden Star Tunicates are small organisms with undefined[…]

Comb Jelly

Physical: Comb jellies are not true jellyfish because they do not have nematocysts (stinging cells).  They have eight[…]

Image of a clam worm, Nereis sp., against a black background.

Clam Worm

Physical: Clam Worms have numerous parapodia (bristly appendages used in locomotion, respiration, and sensation) along their bodies. The[…]