Annual Report 2017-2018

What has the Barnegat Bay Partnership been up to over the last year?  Each year we publish an annual report to answer this question and also take a look at the year ahead. The report covers everything from research and citizen science to education and stewardship.

In 2017, the BBP continued its research on subjects as diverse as wetlands, water quality, coastal acidification, seagrass, American eels, and oysters. We also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Barnegat Bay Festival, launched a new and improved website, and hosted the first Jersey-Friendly Yards conference.

From dune grass plantings to beach clean-ups, volunteers contributed many hours to restoring and improving our watershed. Citizen scientists waded into streams and paddled the bay shoreline to collect important data for improving our understanding of the bay. We want to use this opportunity to thank everyone who is able to carve out some time to volunteer for the bay. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

In 2017, we continued the process of revising the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Barnegat Bay and reaching out for your input. If we haven’t heard from you yet, send us your thoughts and concerns about the bay via this short feedback form.  When a draft of the plan is released in 2018, we will provide both online and in-person opportunities for feedback and comments.

Read more about all of this in our Annual Report 2017-2018!


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