Rick Bushnell
Reclam the Bay
A speaker from ReClam the Bay is available to present to your group or school during the work week, as well as weekends (daytime or evening hours). They request that a computer projector be available to them for their presentation. An honorarium to support their outreach efforts is always appreciated, but not required.
ReClam the Bay volunteers grow over 1 million hard clams and oysters each year (since 2005) and use them as living representatives of the bay ecosystem. They educate people about the requirements of shellfish that serve as watchdogs for good water quality and they explain the impact of people on these natural resources. They have a number of interactive presentations and can bring live baby clams and oysters to enhance the teaching experience.
Rick Bushnell is president of ReClam the Bay. He was instrumental in forming the organization in 2005. Although he has a working knowledge of marine life, Rick points out that he is not a marine biologist. He is an “accidental environmentalist”. After reading about the problems in the bay, he decided to learn more by getting involved in a program to grow shellfish and teach others what he learned. That led him to the Barnegat Bay Shellfish Restoration Program. BBSRP was established by Rutgers, DEP Bureau of Shellfisheries, and the County of Ocean to train, educate, and motivate citizens to become involved in improving the bay. Rick enrolled in the Rutgers program and is now a Certified Shellfish Gardener.
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