Elizabeth Huch or Patricia Schuster
Tuckerton Seaport
(609) 812-0269 or (609) 294-2888
Ms. Huch and Ms. Schuster have over 30 years combined experience in non-traditional education. They offered workshops to educators at the Tuckerton Seaport for many years, while employed at the facility. They were responsible for all aspects of the Seaports Department of Education and Interpretation, including program and curriculum development, as well as exhibit research and implementation. The women are lifelong residents of the New Jersey shore with strong ties to their communities and the environment.
Presentation Options:
Tidal Treasures: Explore the shore and its many treasures in this 30-60 minute program.
Coastal Cuisine: A veritable feast can be found along the Jersey Shore. Focusing on edible plants and animals in and out of the water, participants will virtually work their way from salad to dessert in this 30- or 60-minute program. Please note: there will be no snacking during this program.
Horseshoe Crabs: This 30- to 60-minute program looks at the ancient, yet often misunderstood horseshoe crab and its critical importance to modern science.
Avian Athletes: Delve into the wonders of bird migration in this 30- or 60-minute program.
Fish & Fish Printing: Learn more about our fishy friends in this 30- or 60-minute interactive program that can also include making a fish print. Materials fee not included. If choosing the fish print component, additional time should be allotted.
Availability: The Crab Chix will speak to your Adult, High School, Middle School, Elementary School, or Pre-K group on weekdays (including evenings). They would like to be reimbursed for their travel expenses at the federal mileage reimbursement rate plus $25 per hour for travel time. The program costs $100 for groups; $150 per hour for schools or $500-$1,000 per day.
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