Volunteer for Paddle for the Edge

Image of a citizen scientist volunteer in a kayak

Do you have a kayak, canoe, or stand-up paddleboard?  The Barnegat Bay Partnership is looking for paddling enthusiasts to help collect important data about the condition of shorelines along the Barnegat Bay. With many miles of shoreline, their scientists can’t do it alone – they need the help of volunteers like you!

First launched by the Barnegat Bay Partnership in 2015, Paddle for the Edge has become a popular annual event.  So far, volunteers have paddled 125 miles of shoreline and collected data at more than 6,500 locations using a smartphone app. The data provides important information about the state of the bay’s marshes and will help guide future research and restoration projects.

This summer’s Paddle for the Edge event will take place from July 3 to August 1.  Volunteer paddlers can spend just a few hours on the water anytime during these dates to record some basic information for this shoreline study.

Interested?  Visit our Paddle for the Edge webpage for details about how to register and receive a link to a virtual training video. After completing training and a Knowledge Check, volunteers will be assigned a section of shoreline to paddle during the collection dates.

If you have questions or need additional information, please email Shannon at Paddle4TheEdge@gmail.com.

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