This event was about using science to guide management, build awareness, and improve stewardship today and for future generations to have the greatest positive impact on the Barnegat Bay and its watershed.  The Honorable Thomas MacArthur, Congressman from NJ-3rd District, opened the symposium with welcoming remarks.

The morning session focused on “Human Responses to a Changing Environment” and included a panel discussion, “How Can Science Inform Policy and Management Decisions for a Changing Bay?”  There were two afternoon sessions, “Environmental Indicators in Barnegat Bay” and “The Response of Critical Habitats to Disturbances.”

Click on the links below to view the presentations from the 2015 Science Symposium.

Morning Session – Human Responses to a Changing Environment

Mr. Rich Batiuk – Adapting to Climate Change: Roles of Science and Monitoring in Determining the “How To”
Dr. Neil Ganju – How Stable Are Our Natural Features? Future Trajectories of Barrier Island, Wetlands, and Seagrass Meadows **Some of this material is provisional and subject to revision**
Mr. J.B. Smith – Jersey’s Back Bays in the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study
Ms. Heather Jensen – Systems Approach to Geomorphic Engineering (SAGE) Barnegat Bay Regional Demonstration Project
Panel Discussion – How Can Science Inform Policy and Management Decisions for a Changing Bay?

Afternoon Session 1 – Environmental Indicators in Barnegat Bay

Dr. Ronald Baker – Concentrations, Load, and Yields of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in the Barnegat Bay Watershed 1989-2011 
Drs. Benjamin Fertig and Michael Kennish – Eutrophication Assessment of the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary Using a Multimetric Index
Mr. Tom Belton –Environmental and Ecological Research in Barnegat Bay
Dr. Gary Taghon –Benthic Community Structure as an Indicator of Habitat Quality
Dr. Marina Potapova –Diatoms as Environmental Indicators in Barnegat Bay

Afternoon session 2: The Response of Critical Habitats to Disturbances

Dr. David Velinsky – Tidal Marshes of Barnegat Bay: Nutrient History and Ecosystem Services
Ms. Martha Maxwell Doyle – MACWA: Understanding the effects of multiple stressors on salt marshes from a regional perspective
Dr. Paul Bologna – Seagrass restoration in Barnegat Bay – is it working?
Dr. Peter Straub –Modeling seagrass restoration potential in Barnegat Bay