As a US EPA funded program, the Barnegat Bay Partnership operates under a Quality Management Plan (QMP), which is a means of documenting how we plan, implement, and assess the effectiveness of our quality assurance and quality control operations, as applied to our environmental programs. The end goal of this process is to ensure that the data or information that we collect are of the highest quality, and answer the questions that a particular research program is interested in. Our current QMP can be downloaded here.
A key component of our quality management system is the Quality Assurance Project Plan, or QAPP. Any data collection or analysis project undertaken with EPA funds, whether directly by the BBP or through a project funded by the BBP, is required to prepare a QAPP. This document is specific to a project, and discusses why the data is being collected, how it is being collected, how the data will be analyzed, and how it will be shared and stored. For a more complete discussion on QAPPs, and for the EPA guidance document on how to prepare a QAPP, please follow this link.
To see examples of QAPPs prepared for research funded by the BBP please select a project below.
Research and Monitoring Projects
- Assessing larval eel ingress to rivers and streams in Barnegat Bay
- Barnegat Bay Partnership Long Term Juvenile Seining Project
- Continuous water quality monitoring in Barnegat Bay
- Barnegat Bay Oyster Restoration: providing water quality and habitat improvements in Barnegat Bay
- Assessment of Sea Nettle polyps in Barnegat Bay
- In situ surveys of seagrass habitat in the northern Barnegat Bay – LEH Estuary
- Implementing American eel passage on existing dams
- Fecundity of blue crabs in Barnegat Bay: the influence of size, season, and relative fishing effort
- Surveys of Seagrass Habitat in the Barnegat Bay
- Barnegat Bay oyster reefs: biological and cost benefit analyses for scale up efforts
- Restoration Planning for Hard Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) in Barnegat Bay: Identifying Population Sources and Sinks
- Tidal Marsh Qualitative Shoreline Survey
- Modeling Zostera marina restoration potential in Barnegat Bay
- Role of Plant and Soil Community Structure in Riparian Soil Nutrient Retention
Use of Secondary Data Only