Our commitment to the bay

The Barnegat Bay Partnership conducts and supports a wide range of projects in the Barnegat Bay and its watershed through competitive Requests For Proposals (RFPs) program and other grant funded sources. When funding is available, we will fund research and/or restoration projects that help us implement our CCMP.  We also provide funding support to our partners for education and outreach related activities through our Public Participation and Education Grant Program.  An application package providing specific information on what we’re looking for in proposals for this grant program is made available each fall. We also support a number of other research and implementation projects on an ad hoc basis.

Image of a continuous water quality monitoring station.

Ambient Water Quality Monitoring

The Barnegat Bay Partnership hosts multiple long-term continuous water quality monitoring stations throughout the bay to help understand trends in the estuary.

Total Maximum Daily Loads

We are partnering with municipalities and the NJDEP to identify, prioritize, and advance projects to reduce pathogen and nutrient load into the Toms River.

Watershed Restoration & Protection

The BBP provides technical assistance to implement watershed restoration plans for multiple rivers throughout the watershed.

Image of a continuous water quality monitoring station.

Shellfish & Eelgrass Restoration

BBP will continue to collaborate to provide assistance to public and private partners to assure continued progress in research and implementation of shellfish and eelgrass restoration in Barnegat Bay.

Coastal Wetland Monitoring

The BBP continues to monitor, assess, and research coastal wetlands adversely affected by climate change and collect data to better understand how to mitigate climate risks.

Coastal Shoreline Restoration

Through community science and applied data collection, BBP promotes and implements natural shoreline and marsh restoration projects.

Image of a continuous water quality monitoring station.

Gelatinous Zooplankton & Juvenile Fish Monitoring

BBP has been collecting abundance and distribution data of gelatinous zooplankton in the Barnegat Bay since 2011 which is used to help identify trends throughout the bay.

Diadromous Fishes Monitoring

The BBP continues to assess distribution and abundance of diadromous species (river herrings, American eel), including impediments to their spawning and rearing habitats in the watershed.

Science & Technical Advisory

The BBP supports partners by providing funds for research and implementation projects available, ensuring all data and conclusions are made available for making management decisions.