Low-Maintenance Landscaping Guide Now Available in Spanish

Spanish Translation of Low Maintenance Landscaping Guide for the Barnegat Bay Watershed 2017_Page_01

Three of our partners have collaborated to create a new Spanish version of the Ocean County Soil Conservation District’s (OCSCD’s) publication, Low Maintenance Landscaping for the Barnegat Bay Watershed. The Spanish version of this popular guide is now available both electronically and in print. Gisselle Meza, a student at Georgian Court University (GCU), dedicated over 200 hours on the translation as part of her Service Learning course requirement. Shari Kondrup of the Brick Township Municipal Utilities Authority coordinated the translation effort with GCU.

Low Maintenance Landscaping for the Barnegat Bay Watershed is a comprehensive, yet user-friendly booklet that offers an 8-step process to designing a low-maintenance and environmentally friendly landscape appropriate for Ocean County’s sandy soils and unique conditions. Where do I get my soil tested? Which grass seed is most appropriate for my soil?  How can I keep my soil and my plants healthy?  Which flowers and shrubs are best suited to my yard? The answers to these – and many more questions – are answered in this simple-to-follow manual. Establish a low-maintenance landscape – and have more time to enjoy your yard!

Also, by thoughtfully managing our landscapes, we become better stewards of the Barnegat Bay and our local environment. Our landscaping and lawn care choices have a direct impact on water quality, water supply, and wildlife. Visit the Jersey-Friendly Yards website for more resources and tools, including a searchable Plant Database, to help you landscape for a healthy environment.

Download a PDF of the English or Spanish version of Low Maintenance Landscaping for the Barnegat Bay Watershed. To request printed copies of either one, please email Becky Laboy, OCSCD Education Coordinator, at education@soildistrict.org.

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