Approximately 75% of the seagrass beds in New Jersey occur in the Barnegat Bay estuary. Seagrasses grow along the shallow margins of the bay in waters less than one meter in depth. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is the dominant seagrass species in SAV beds south of Toms River, while mixed eelgrass and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) beds are found in the central and northern portions of the bay.  


amazing aquatic grass

Seagrasses, like the grasses in a meadow, serve as the base of the web, supplying food to grazers and energy to the entire ecosystem.  Seagrasses provide habitat and food for many recreation­ally and commercially important estuarine and marine species, such as bay scallop (Argopecten irradians), blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), and weakfish (Cynoscion nebulosus). Seagrass beds also serve as important spawning and nursery grounds for finfish populations in the estuary.

Seven Bridges Road
Dominant seagrass species in the bay. Graphic courtesy of Squidtoons.
Illustrated image of a Juvenile Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians) and a Grass Shrimp (Palaemontes pugio) in a bed of sea grass.

essential habitat

Not only does seagrass in the Barnegat Bay provide habitat for animals living in the seabed, it is critical spawning, nursing, and feeding habitat for many recreationally and commercially vital finfish species in the estuary.

nature’s filter

In addition to providing valuable habitat, seagrasses play a significant role in nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, filtering of essential elements, sediment stabilization, and wave dampening. These ecosystem services provide many benefits to coastal communities.

Graphic of a lighthouse and the beach.

Seagrasses are excellent indicators of water and sediment quality. By assessing the condition of seagrass beds over time, it is possible to establish accurate trends in the condition of the bay. Seagrasses are impacted by water nutrient levels, elevated water temperatures, ice scouring, damage from boat props and anchors, disease, light intensity fluctuations caused by dredged or storm-tossed sediments, and excessive growth of algae.

Unfortunately, major declines in biomass and percent SAV cover have been reported in some sectors of the estuary since the 1970s (Bologna et al., 2000). A more recent study revealed an ongoing decline in biomass and percent cover of bay bottom (Kennish et al., 2009) attributed to increasing eutrophication due to shading of the shallow SAV beds by algal blooms and attached microalgae on the stems. Additionally, the species composition of seagrass beds in the bay appear to be changing from eelgrass to widgeon, which can affect the ecosystem services provided.

Effect of Warming Waters and Rising Seas on Barnegat Bay’s Seagrass Habitat

Water Temperature

Drag the slider to show the change in seagrass habitat under increasing water temperatures.

Change in Value: +

Sea Level

Drag the slider to show the impact of increasing sea level on seagrass habitats.

Change in Value: + m

Don’t Harass the Seagrass Campaign

Learn about seagrasses and ways to protect them through his comic created by Squidtoons, a company dedicated to translating scientific research into engaging illustrations to connect the public and the scientific community.

Don't harass the Seagrass! First off, animals love the seagrass beds because it is a great place to camouflage and hide from their predators. This also means seagrass beds are a great place to find food... Or to be food. Humans also benefit from the seagrass beds - roughly $133 million worth of fish and shelfish are generated by the nursery each year. Covering less than 1% of the Earth, seagrass is one of the most valuable ecosystems on the planet. Some seagrass beds can be found off the coast of New Jersey, USA. The thin strip of land shelters Barnegat Bay from ocean waves providing an estuarine environment suitable for seagrass. Seagrass helps keep Barnegat Bay healthy, which benefits both wildlife and humans!
Don't Harass the Seagrass! Fertilizer leeches into the water, promoting algal blooms and blocking the sunlight from reaching the seagrass beds below. Finally, carbon dioxide emissions and subsequent sea level rise will also limit sunlight from reaching the seagrass. Jet skiing, clam digging, and boating can destroy underlying seagrass beds. Furthermore, improperly secured anchors can drag and destroy this precious habitat. Given their rarity and enormous economic benefits, we need to take care of the seagrass beds! Water recreation and ecotourism sustain local jobs, generating roughly $1.5 billion each year! Finally, seagrass beds also reduce wave energy and remove excess nutrients from seawater saving us nearly $28 billion per year!