When: Wednesday, April 12th, 2023. 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Presenter: Becky Laboy, Education Outreach Specialist for the Ocean County Soil Conservation
District and Karen Walzer, Senior Outreach Coordinator for the Barnegat Bay Partnership
Register here: Registration link
Small changes in our yards can make a big difference for cleaner water and a healthier environment in our watershed. This program will show you how to use the resources and tools of the Jersey-Friendly Yards website to landscape for a healthy environment and healthy Barnegat Bay. Get informed about how to reduce fertilizer and pesticide use, conserve water, and make your yard a haven for wildlife. Learn how you can get your yard certified as “Jersey-Friendly” and join others who are making their yards healthier for both people and wildlife in the Barnegat Bay watershed.