The second Barnegat Bay Shellfish Forum will be held on December 14, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Ocean Acres Community Center, 489 Nautilus Drive, Manahawkin, New Jersey. The forum is designed to share information about the shellfish resources in the bay and encourage everyone to work more closely together to leverage the many benefits that a healthy shellfish population can provide.
The first Shellfish Forum was held in 2016. This year’s forum is co-presented by MATES, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, ReClam the Bay, and Save Barnegat Bay. Their goal is to help people identify, plan, and implement shellfish-related projects more quickly.
All are invited to attend this free event. The event schedule kicks off with some clam chowder prepared by Cuisine on the Green chef Ian Smith and posters related to Barnegat Bay shellfish, followed by panels and moderated discussions with local experts, including BBP Project Coordinator Martha Maxwell-Doyle.
If you plan on attending, please register here.