Members of the Policy Committee represent key decision makers and signatory authorities to the BBP and include representatives from the Regional Administrator of the US EPA, Region 2; the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders; Ocean County College; the Ocean County Mayor’s Association; and a citizen representative.
The Policy Committee’s responsibilities include:
- Approve annual budget and work plan;
- Develop new action items or policy initiatives that develop during program implementation;
- Ensure commitment among implementing authorities for action item implementation and scheduling;
- Assist in securing long-term funding commitments;
- Promote the BBP to a statewide and nationwide audience; and
- Mediate issues of disagreement among BBP participants.
Policy Committee Members
Name: | Affiliation and Title |
Hon. William W. Curtis | Ocean County Mayor’s Association, President |
Lisa Garcia | USEPA, Region 2, Regional Administrator (Policy Committee Co-Chair) |
Dr. Javier E. Laureano | USEPA, Region 2, Director, Clean Water Division (Alternate) |
George Murnyak | BBP Citizen Representative |
Dr. Pamela Monaco | Ocean County College, President |
Shawn M. LaTourette | NJDEP, Commissioner (Policy Committee Co-Chair) |
Hon. Joseph H. Vicari | Ocean County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Liaison |
Dr. L. Stanton Hales, Jr. | Co-Chair, Advisory Committee (ex officio) |
Karen Greene | Co-Chair, Advisory Committee (ex officio) |
Gregg Sakowicz | Chair, Science and Technical Advisory Committee (ex officio) |
Kaitlin Gannon | Chair, Communication and Education Committee (ex officio) |
Joel Mott | Co-Chair, Communication and Education Committee (Alternate, ex officio) |
Policy Committee Meeting Documents
Approved Minutes